Oh yes. this is the parallel universe hol and I doodled like crazy on the morning of January 31, 2009 in YM! We started creating this colorful and meaningful world mga 11:30pm then finished DOODLING almost 2am. This represents a lot of things about our friendship and quiet conversations. :) Here goes.
The big black DOT represents that, when we're closer together(chinese time) our conversations are more worth while, because its on paper. but our conversations now hold great meaning to me.
The CARROTSHIP represents how we can become so related to each other(not by blood) through the utmost random things in the world. that has got to have a meaning.
The SMILEY shows the great difference in your usage of smileys now, when compared to the past. seriously though. you're using more smileys. its nice. :)
The YELLOW PAPER (the thing that looks like very yellow teeth) represents the conversations that we have during a very special time. quiet time for you and quiet time for me.
THE YELLOW SKIES are the very sunny skies of being with a great person. though completely shielded from UV rays.
The PURPLE STARS (in my opinion) represent the beauty that we see during the night. thats why the sillhouette's beauty becomes amplified at night.
The LAND AND THE SEAS. its hows that no matter the distance, we'll always have a feeling of closeness. but by all means, the closer the better. that goes even after you've left davao for college.. 
11:00: its our intened time of rest, that we avoided by 2hrs and 30 minutes just to speak to each other.
and last but not the least, of course.
the initials represent us.
the only two people in that reality. that dimension. that world.
the initials represent us.
the only two people in that reality. that dimension. that world.
no one else can enter our reality, even if you're crazy. this is our world and no one else's. only we can be here. though its only the two of us. we're together and thats all that matters.
CUUUUUTE! :) The meanings here are the same for both of us. Ditto, hol! :)